Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gender Socialization

"Killing Us Softly" is about the world advertising of women, it describes how women are portrayed as "Sex Objects" in the media. She demonstrates the changes from the earlier versions to the current versions of how women are objectified and presented as a sex object, which demonstrate society to think it is acceptable to commit violence against women. She explains how advertising sell values, images, concepts of love, sexuality, romance, success, and who we are or should be as women. She also mentions how the dominant culture are creating these problems for women and men, how women are characterized and man are not. She talks about the Culture Message that its beeing presented to teenage girls which is "The more you subtract the more you add". By this ads they show teenage girls not to be a fool of themselves and that women are not powerfull.
"A call to Men" speech is about the socialization of men. Tony porter talk about his life experiences and how he grew up in a neighborhood which he had to learn to be tough, strong, dominating, show no pain and emotions with the ecception of anger and fear. He talks about the ways that men think about women which was that women were weak and men were strong. He describes the Socialization of men which its described as "THE MAN BOX"  which defines what it was to be a man, which was not to cry, express their feelings and emotions, not to show weakness, and to have power control over women. He also explains the collective socialization of men as less values, property, objectification, and violence agains women. He mentions the Foundation of violenve against women as domestic violence, sexual assult, stalking, rape, dating violence, harrasment and porn. Men and women are part of the solutions and more of the problems. Rather than showing this negative concepts to teenagers and kids they should more less show them that is okay to be dominant, show feelings and emotions, equality, and only be friends with women and no more than that.

I believe these Gender socializations are one of the biggest concerns in our society and how its so open to the public by advertising, tv channels and influence and so on, yet our society charactized us all to be the same.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What does it mean to be Human?

I have never wondered on such a question that reflects the whole human race and what it means to be a human being.  To be a human being does not mean to have a face, eyes, heart, to be able to drive a car, or to own a house.  Being human is being much more than that, the answer is more deeper and passionate.  To be a human being is to have the ability to know what is right and wrong, having rational thought and to think deeply beyond the tangible things of the world one of the most important aspects to being human is to find love regardless of age, sex gender or social class.  Yet as I think deeply into this more and more, I see that those things are not as important to being a human, simply because you can live without those things to a certain extent, but to really live and thrive and build a a family among society, being a human being is to have the ability to build relationships around anyone and everyone around us and to simultaneously love and hate every little thing about them.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012



In the last class we learn several different concepts of culture, before this class I thought that culture was just customs, and beliefs that distinguished one group of people from one another but its much more than that. In class we learn about Subculture and Counterculture which both distinguished culture, Both of this culture identify themselves through their differences to the dominant culture. We also talk about the 6 elements of culture which are material culture, symbols, language, rituals, norms and values.We talk about heterosexual culture as it has the power in the world. people who are married have many advantages that single people may not have. I really enjoy this topic because I Love learning about different culture and diversity.

I really enjoy this sociology class because its definitely expanding my knowledge in each class I Learn more and more about different topics. =)